Mining Farms

At the moment, mining of many cryptocurrencies is not available on computers. People use mining farms. This equipment consists of several video cards and related parts. Why do you need a mining farm? It is used to mine coins such as Bitcoins, Ethereum and many others.
What is it?
If in simple words to tell, mining farm is a set of components that are interconnected. They mine virtual coins using the power of the equipment they are made of.
Interestingly, the concept of “farm” did not appear immediately. Of course, it was not there when Bitcoins could be mined on a regular computer, but even after the mining algorithms were complicated and the first equipment appeared to increase power, a new name did not appear. So far, people have only experimented with adding equipment.
When the concept of “farm” was formed, most miners under it began to mean the union of several video cards. This design has limitations in functionality and is used exclusively for cryptocurrency mining. Moreover, under each coin, their video cards are often selected based on their computing power.