Mining Pool Selection Criteria

Today, there are a lot of different pools and it is very easy to get lost in such a variety. To begin with, you should decide whether you want to mine Bitcoin or other types of cryptocurrencies. For Bitcoin mining, you need special equipment under the acronym ASIC; on any other equipment, Bitcoin mining is practically unprofitable. For other currencies, a farm from video cards or, in rare cases, the processor of your personal computer is quite suitable for you.
Then you will need to decide whether you want to focus on one popular cryptocurrency, which is most profitable for you to mine on your equipment or to trust a multipool, where one by one they extract currency that is profitable for most participants. Each of the options has its advantage, so the multipool is very suitable for beginners, but for those who know exactly what they want, it is better to join a specialized pool.
Each pool has a certain set of qualities. Some of them will be especially important, and some can be neglected. We would recommend starting a review of mining pools with the following characteristics:
- The total capacity of the pool. It’s no secret that the higher the processing power, the higher the probability of finding the correct block hash. And although there is a certain role of luck in this process, nevertheless, the more participants in the pool and the greater its capacity, the more they will find blocks and pay rewards to their participants for a certain time.