Nem — Currency With a Unique Code

NEM is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency platform. It is written in Java and JavaScript and uses 100% original code. NEM introduces the model for wide distribution and adds new functional features to the blockchain technology using the Proof-of-Importance algorithm.
NEM also offers an integrated peer-to-peer encrypted messaging system, multi-signature accounts, and the Eigentrust ++ reputation system.
Nem cryptocurrency was created at the end of 2015. Unlike most cryptocurrencies, it has its own unique code. But the most important difference is that Nem works using the technology of the POI algorithm (proof of importance).
What does it mean? For example, Litecoin and Dash work using the proof-of-work or POW algorithm (proof of work. — Ed.). The system of bitcoin-like currencies rewards its users for the correct calculations. However, there are already disadvantages in this system — since the tasks are becoming more complicated, the computing power should also increase.