The Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Zcash

Zcash is a cryptocurrency based on a decentralized Blockchain, aiming for making transactions more private than they are in the Bitcoin blockchain. ZEC (Zcash token) transactions, like Bitcoin’s, are published in a public Blockchain, but unlike Bitcoin Zcash allows users to selectively disclose private information.
Zcash provides two types of keys: a “view key” and a “spend key.” While the latter is used to spend funds, the former is used to allow some individuals to see private information about your transactions. View keys may be used for an audit or sharing information without disclosing it to the entire world.
Let’s consider the main benefits of Zcash
- a high level of cryptocurrency confidentiality protection;
- the availability of opportunities for the emergence of new applications using the evidence-free method of disclosure on which the blockchain technology is based;