What is FPGA and why is it the best?

FPGA (short for Field-Programmable-Gate-Array) is a very peculiar kind of integrated circuit that has a wide range of applications in technology overall. From signal and image processing to use in mathematics and general calculations of high difficulty. FPGAs are programmable remotely, immediately after purchase. Configuration should be run according to individual needs.
Differences between GPU vs. FPGA vs. ASIC
Graphics processor, or GPU provides many options, but has been created for other applications, hence it is not the most optimized solution.
The second solution is FPGA. It is generally faster than the GPU, plus you can use it on many more ways, just as mentioned above.
The third solution is ASIC. Technically, it is the best tool for mining. Fast, efficient and easy to use. However, this tool not only has no other use than mining, but if you would like to expand your mining operations to other cryptocurrencies, you’ll have to buy a new ASIC.